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Previous Blog Posts

October 11, 2023

Below are the most recent post-release patch notes for Paleo Pines. We’re continuing to gather and fix bugs so a huge thank you to everyone who is sending through reports on Discord! View the platform-specific patch notes on Steam and Nintendo Switch or be the first to receive updates for any platform by following the… Continue reading Pachy Patch Notes

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September 6, 2023

Howdy Ranchers! In this Dino Diaries, we will take you on our journey porting Paleo Pines to the Nintendo Switch. It was a rollercoaster of challenges and victories for our development team!   Cosy up with a cosy game   Through development, we couldn’t keep track of the amount of times we were asked if… Continue reading Dino Diaries #17 – Nintendo Switch

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August 10, 2023

SPOILER ALERT: This Dino Diaries talks about Festivals in Paleo Pines, and will include spoilers for what those festivals entail. If you want to be surprised by the festivals, it’s best to come back here once the full game launches and you have a chance to play through them. Howdy Ranchers!   In Paleo Pines,… Continue reading Dino Diaries #16 – Festivals

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July 5, 2023

Our final deep-dive into dinos (for now!) with our Paleontologist, Natalia, is a dino close to our hearts – the quirky Gallimimus. We want to extend a huge thank you to Natalia for working with us to create these posts and we hope everyone as enjoyed the special insights Natalia has brought! If you’ve enjoyed… Continue reading Dino Diaries #15 – The Gallimimus

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June 22, 2023

Are you head over heels for your dino bestie in Paleo Pines? Are you spending your days riding one special steed while the others stay on the ranch? We want to celebrate the bond you’ve created by giving you the chance to win your very own one-of-a-kind Paleo Pines Artwork featuring you and your favorite… Continue reading Dino Diaries #14 – Dino Devotion Competition

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June 16, 2023

Our resident Paleontologist, Natalia Jagielska is back to give us a rating on how accurate our little Archaeopteryx is and throw some dino truths our way. The Bare Bone Basics: The fossil celebrity! Found in Germanic limestones in 1860s (almost 200 years ago!), it paved our way in understanding dinosaur evolution and the onset of… Continue reading Dino Diaries #13 – The Archaeopteryx

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June 8, 2023

Our resident Paleontologist, Natalia Jagielska is back again – this time giving us some insider information about the #megalosaurus!     The Bare Bone Basics: A bulky carnivore with a large head, an apex predator haunting small islands that once made up Middle-Jurassic British Isles. It was a far cry from carnivorous giants of the… Continue reading Dino Diaries #12 – The Megalosaurus

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June 6, 2023

We have an amazing series coming your way for the next four weeks! Get ready to dive into the wonderful world of dinosaurs with none other than our beloved Paleontologist, Natalia Jagielska. They’ve handpicked four incredible dinos in Paleo Pines for a deep dive. Let’s kick things off with a real gem – the #psittacosaurus,… Continue reading Dino Diaries #11 | The Psittacosaurus

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June 1, 2023

We are thrilled to bring you some incredible news from our last few months of development! Despite our radio silence on our dev blog, Paleo Pines has been achieving major milestones and making waves in the gaming community. We couldn’t have done it without your unwavering support and enthusiasm!

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November 15, 2022

Howdy Ranchers! In this brand new development blog, we’re going to dive into one of the earlier phases of game dev: concept art! In game development, concept art is a huge factor – it’s how we create and define the general look and feel of a game. This includes colours, trees, characters, buildings and much… Continue reading Dino Diaries #9 | Concept Art

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September 21, 2022

We’ve talked about the important bond you have with Lucky, but what about the relationship between player and dinosaurs they take home to their ranch?

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March 9, 2022

In this Dino Diaries we discuss community hub Pebble Plaza.

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January 20, 2022

The seasons and weather of Paleo Pines.

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October 18, 2021

A look into bringing our favourite dino to life.

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September 14, 2021

A peek into how we are developing quests in Paleo Pines.

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August 17, 2021

We explore the games mechanics that are currently being iterated upon in the world of Paleo Pines.

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July 20, 2021

We are continuing our development update around Veridian Valley, this time taking a look at things like clothing items, water and introducing you to one of Paleo Pines’ colourful inhabitants!

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June 7, 2021

We’re so excited to start bringing our community along on this development journey, starting with the most beautiful, wild, and adventurous part of the game so far… Veridian Valley!

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